Jumaat, 29 November 2013

Small lifestyle modifications lead to a big reduction in stroke risk

Vascular injury, especially the type inflicted as a result of a stroke, can have a devastating effect on the quality of a person's life and place them at significantly increased risk of death. Similar to other chronic illnesses, stroke risk can be modified by making small changes to diet, physical activity level, smoking, blood pressure and blood glucose readings. In fact, researchers have found that paying more attention to how we live on a daily basis can reduce the risk of falling victim to a stroke or untimely death by close to 50 percent.

A group of researchers at the University of Vermont have published the result of their findings regarding lifestyle and stroke risk in the American Heart Association journal, Stroke. The scientists assessed stroke risk using the American Heart Association's Life's Simple 7 health factors: Be active, control cholesterol, eat a healthy diet, manage blood pressure, don't smoke, control blood sugar and maintain a healthy weight, and found that making small lifestyle changes could dramatically reduce your risk of having a stroke.

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